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Claire Wortley
Feb 11, 20232 min read
Can you accept your anxiety?
Is accepting anxiety possible?
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Claire Wortley
Jun 12, 20223 min read
Me, a Mental Health First Aider?!
A what? To be honest I knew very little about the role of a Mental Health First Aider. When the role first started to appear I assumed...
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Claire Wortley
Apr 12, 20221 min read
Who is Maureen?
Maureen is an older lady who has her own opinions on just about everything. She posts videos on my Tiktok account '@claires_chair' trying...
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Claire Wortley
Apr 8, 20213 min read
Most Vulnerable
As the afternoon turned into evening my commentary began....
That's the doctors closing.
That's the pharmacy shut.
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Claire Wortley
Sep 3, 20203 min read
Anxiety - if you wanted to, you could pull yourself out of it, right?
It was as if time stopped and I was stuck in this one moment.
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Claire Wortley
Jul 10, 20193 min read
Loss or lost?
Deep down, where I rarely go, it's there, the sense that something is missing and it makes me sad.
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Claire Wortley
Feb 18, 20192 min read
Something I notice when I feel low is that I feel I am totally alone. No one understands. No one cares. No one can see my isolation or...
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