Hello to all who are housebound.
You would think that having had tons of time on my hands I would have written blogs a plenty but alas procrastination is one of my many flaws.
During this time of isolation I have been determined to look after my mental and physical health. I leap around to Youtube videos in the morning, walk the dogs in the afternoon and get crafty in the early evening.
As you will know from previous blogs, I am a fan of noting what has made me happy and grateful throughout the day. This helps me to focus on the positives and blessings that are already present in my life. In more resent times I have added a column in my diary to write what I like about my body. Like many people I struggle with how I look and worry that middle age is not smiling upon me but rather adding to the weight of my worries, literally.

I enjoy a daily reading/ meditation which encourages me to focus on specific elements of well being and one that keeps popping up is recognising our talents.
Now I believe I do not fall into the category of being talented.
I'm not academic. I am not particularly gifted at art or crafts, much as I love them. I'm no athlete or yogi and to be honest I could go on about what I am not. I love music but struggle with the theory, I can sing a pretty song but am no opera diva or folk star and so the list goes on. In fact it is easier to tell you what I can't do and what I like rather than what I am good at and that feels pants.
I wonder just how many people know what they are really good at?
I feel I have lost out at being good at something, sad but true(great song by Metallica). When I think back to my school days I can picture my classmates and tell you positive things about them eg brilliant at sports, incredible actor, beautiful singer, beautiful, fit, strong, funny etc but why is it so hard to see what I was good at and how it benefits me today?
I have sat and asked myself what am I good at and all I hear are voices from my youngest of days 'she's kind and caring'......but that is all I hear and for me they don't hold much weight. You can't get a degree in kindness or a masters in how caring you are. In fact although I have worked in jobs where caring is needed it is often red-taped out of you with company policies etc.
So I ask myself again, what is my talent?
Nope, nothing.
I think I may be asking the wrong question. Perhaps what is more important is knowing what I can do and what makes me happy?
Here's an example:- I love to sing and have done since childhood. I have taken a couple of singing exams and know a little about music theory. I have sung in choirs and have done the occasional solo but my confidence is lacking. I sing with a small A Capella group but miss singing on a regular basis. Needless to say when Gareth Malone started his Great British Home Chorus I was first in line and eager to sing every day. Every week we learn a new song and then we record ourselves and send it in.
I hate seeing myself on the screen so the recording really pushed me out of my comfort zone. I don't watch myself because as soon as I do I start hearing unkind things about myself in my head and that's not helpful. Song number 2 will probably be recorded this week but this time I have a prop that I have enjoyed making.
Is it important to know our talent? Maybe not.
I may not be talented but I am happy. What more could a girl ask for?
Stay safe. Stay Well